التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

تشييع جثمان طليقة أحمد السعدني

قررت أسرة طليقة الفنان أحمد السعدني، تشييع جثمانها غدًا السبت عقب صلاة الظهر من مسجد سعاد كفافي بمدينة 6 أكتوبر

وكانت أمل طليقة الفنان أحمد السعدني وأم ابنيه عبدالله وياسين، قد رحلت اليوم الجمعة بالسكتة القلبية

وعلم السعدني بخبر الوفاة خلال تواجده بحفل المطربة العالمية جينيفر لوبيز بمدينة العلمين، وأصيب بصدمة بعد علمه بالخبر، ثم ترك الحفل مسرعًا وعاد للقاهرة.
يذكر أن السعدني كشف خلال استضافته بأحد البرامج خبر انفصاله عن أم أولاد، دون الإعلان عن موعد أو أسباب ذلك.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

The death of tony morson

Unfortunatelty we all missed today one of the greatest novelists at the age of   88years She is the first black American writer to win the nobel prize she's write a beloved novel  today, fans of tommy morrison live a very sad day  we have not lost a writer today but we have lost a symbol of America  a lot of people around the world read one of the novels  for tony morrison As a beloved novel that made her get the pulitzer prize Obama posted a tweet he said

After being supported by Rihanna and Kim Kardashian .. The release of the murderer Sentoya Brown

Tennessee jailed for killing a man who tried to force her to have sexual relations with him at the age of 16 was released before sunrise on Wednesday. According to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British, it was released Centoya, aged 31, today after a grant from the Governor of Tennessee, as a result of mass crowds demanding her release, including a large number of stars such as Kim Kardashian and Rihanna. Despite the release of Cintoia, who shot 40-year-old estate agent Johnny Allen in 2004, she will remain under parole for 10 years provided she takes a job and does not violate any laws.  Sentoya issued a statement after her release today, in which she said she wanted to help other women and girls suffering from abuse and exploitation, and thanked the governor, his wife and her supporters. Cintoia Brown fled her home as a teenager, identified a man who sexually exploited her and forced her to have sex with him. Sentoya said that the man's behavior made her nervous as he